Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Video On Demand Income

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Want to learn more about earning money?  Visit my website at MyIncomeJob.com.  Lots of free information to learn how I went from earning no money to earning daily residual income.

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Technology continues to offer people opportunities to create self-wealth.  An average person can better secure their financial future utilizing the Internet's endless array of free resources.  Dozens of free browsers, free website builders, free blogging services, social media networks AND video on demand platforms, a person can improve the course of their financial future.

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Video On Demand Opportunities is HUGE in the future of television entertainment.

Yes, Video On Demand is the next generation of video and television entertainment.  Youtube was once something new and now the Youtube sharing video concept has become a common place to watch entertainment.

Video On Demand is the future of television entertainment.  With channels like Hulu, Amazon Instant Video, Vudu, Dailymotion, Crackle, Vimeo, Google Play, BlockBuster, PopcornFlix, and NetFlix just to name a few, television entertainment will continue to work to reach their targeted audience.  Video On Demand was created for people to watch any channel on any platform.  Flat screen TV's, tablets, smart phones, game consoles and of course desktops and laptops.  Computers are not only used for browsing the web anymore, computers have become multi-purpose appliances used as television sets too.  Video On Demand was invented to accommodate all linear platforms.  All a person needs is an Internet connection to watch their favorite television shows.

Video On Demand will become the next common platform for creators.  The easy use of technology that almost anyone can create films or produce quality videos from virtually anywhere give creators a head-start to the future.  Just like with the Youtube Partnership program that give creators an opportunity to earn income for showing commercial ads, television/Video On Demand offer the same income opportunity.  A creator can sell their films/videos, sell their work to Application TV channels and show advertising ads/commercials similar to the Youtube Partnership program.

Three opportunities that the future already has available but not know by many.

  • Sell Films/Video - You can sell your piece of work at Amazon Instant Video, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and PivotShare.  These are the four avenues I use to sell my content.  Residual income put into place.
  • Sell Films/Video to TV Channels - The TV channels will decided to upload your film/video and if accepted, they show commercial ads when people watch your film/video.  The TV Channels then pay you after statistics are analyzed then cut you a piece of the pie.
  • Develop a TV Channel of your own - Create a TV Channel of your own, upload it to a platform like Roku, then cut in commercial ads. 

I spent three years studying the topic of future TV entertainment which led me to learn about the monetary opportunities that developed from television technology evolving.  I grasped the opportunity to produce a piece of work that I can sell to earn residual income when people stream TV.  One piece of work will earn me money for the next couple of decades AND my film promotes my online websites, blogs, Youtube channels, social media networks and the like.

Here are a few links worth visiting.  It will show you and led you to important information that can help you understand the monetary opportunities that are available.

My proudest accomplishment is Available at Amazon Instant Video - A Pioneer's Foresight

Commercial Ad Program to earn income - Vidillion Ads on a Roku TV Channel